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| 计算机图形学研究软件 |
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上次更新时间:5 年 2012 月 <> 日。
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- 图形会议论文链接存档(黄克森)
- 可重复的研究档案(图像处理、视觉、机器学习)(李欣)
- Surface_Mesh (D. Sieger, M. Botsch)
- GTS(二维动态/约束德劳奈三角测量、鲁棒几何谓词、网格布尔集运算、细化/粗化、与视图无关的连续 LOD、视图相关 LOD、AABB 树、Kd 树、图分区、等值曲面、面积、体积、平均值/高斯/主曲率、剥离)
- trimesh2 网格库 (读取 PLY/OFF/3DS/OBJ, 写入 PLY/OFF/OBJ, 细分, 平滑, 曲率估计, 三角形剥离, ICP, 清理, 抽取, 基本形状) (S. Rusinkiewicz)
- OpenMesh (PLY/OBJ, halfedge mesh, 抽取, Loop/Sqrt3 细分, view-dependent 渐进网格, stripization) (J. Möbius, M. Habbecke)
- CGAL (2D/3D 半边网格, tet 网格) [完整包列表] (作者)
- MeshLab (导入 PLY/STL/OFF/OBJ/3DS/COLLADA/PTX/V3D/PTS/APTS/XYZ/GTS/TRI/ASC/X3D/X3DV/VRML/ALN,导出 PLY/STL/OFF/OBJ/3DS/COLLADA/VRML/DXF/GTS/U3D/IDTF/X3D、选择/平滑绘制、线性测量、导出平面切片、网格抽取/修复/优化、网格对齐) [所有过滤器] (作者)
- OpenFlipper (导入/导出 OFF/OBJ/PLY/STL/STLA/STLB/OM、带表面/体积套索和球体画笔的选择工具、抽取、平滑、边缘/面部编辑)(J. 莫比乌斯)
- mview (read/view PMesh/GTS/OFF/COFF/PLY/VRML/Shallo/VTK ASCII POLYDATA/OBJ) (H. Cantzler, T. Breckon)
- 层工具(读/写层)
- ply2vri (将 PLY 网格转换为有符号距离体积网格,VRI/PPM 格式) (B.Allen)
- JMeshLib (read/write OFF/PLY/STL/VRML1/VRML2/OBJ/IV 2.1) (M. Attene)
- ReMESH(自动歧管修复,隔离组件移除,孔填充,手柄移除,退化三角形移除,锐特征恢复,缺陷检测和隐藏,手动修复工具)(M.
- GPUmesh - 适用于 GPU 的简单跨平台跨 API 网格管理 (S. Lefebvre)
- A48:基于恒星算子的动态自适应网格库(L.
- 体积网格:四面体和立方体体积 3D 网格(J.
- 3D 工作区(二次网格简化、重新网格划分、递归/蒙特卡洛/球体包装/体素采样、骨架提取、拉普拉斯/尺度相关/平均曲率流平滑、Sqrt3/循环/修正蝶/最长边细分、最小边界框、平均值坐标、绿色坐标、曲率(多项式拟合、其他两种实现)、FFD、体素变形、双四元数蒙皮、网格体素化、八叉树、kd 树、颜色图、网格切片)(作者)
- SimplexMesh:用于混合维度的通用非流形、非规则单纯网格 \leq 3 (C. Batty)
- CGAL 细分演示 (sqrt3, Quad-Triangle, Catmull-Clark, Doo-Sabin) (L.-J.Shiue, P. Alliez, R. Ursu, L. Kettner)
- 交互式网格变形(S.
- 流形谐波形状变形(B. Vallet, B. Lévy)
- 石墨(Catmull-Clark细分)(作者))
- MeshLab(循环/蝶形/中点细分)(作者)
- 从示例进行 3D 模型合成 (P. Merrell)
- ShapeShop:基于草图的分层隐式曲面(“BlobTree”)建模(和SurfaceTree)(R. Schmidt,B. Wyvill,K. Singh)
- 实时隐式曲面多边形 (R. Schmidt)
- 尽可能刚性的 2D 形状操作 (R. 施密特)
- 基于相似性的表面建模(S.
- 使用曲线类比进行网格建模(S.
- 2D 拉普拉斯曲线编辑(O.
- 具有多项式权重分布的线骨架的卷积面(X. Jin, J. Feng, Q. Peng, C-L.泰)
- 任意多边形模型之间的 CARVE 鲁棒布尔运算 (T. Sargeant)
- GeoBrush:交互式网格几何克隆(离散扩展图,3D绿色坐标变形,GPU泊松求解器)(K.高山,R.施密特,K.辛格,T.五十岚,T.布贝克尔,O.索金)
- MeshFlow:网格构建序列的交互式可视化(J. Denning, W. Kerr, F. Pellacini)
- 剪影3D建模(A. Rivers, F. Durand, T. Igarashi)
- 用于操纵可变形物体的表观层操作(T. Igarashi, J. Mitani)
- 网格捕捉:使用快速测地线曲率流的鲁棒交互式网格切割(张杰,吴春,蔡杰,郑军,X-C.泰)
- 用于变分曲面建模的混合有限元(A. Jacobson, E. Tosun, O. Sorkine, D. Zorin)
- 用于实时变形的有界比哈蒙特权重(A. Jacobson, I. Baran, J. Popović, O. Sorkine)
- DT-Grid:高分辨率水平集的数据结构(开放和封闭表面、膨胀、CSG、纹理坐标、从 OBJ/PLY 到 PLY 的转换)(M. 尼尔森、K. 穆塞斯)
- 约束网格的形状空间探索(Y-L.杨英军.杨,H.波特曼,N.米特拉)
- 切片:基于平面截面的形状代理(J. McCrae, K. Singh, N. Mitra)
- 探索3D形状集合中的连续变异性(M. Ovsjanikov, W. Li, L. Guibas, N. Mitra)
- GlobFit:通过发现全球关系始终如一地拟合基元(数据)(Y. Li, X. Wu, Y. Chrysanthou, A. Sharf, D. Cohen-Or, N. Mitra)
- 细节复制形状拉伸(使用曲率流的隐式网格整流罩、基于色块的纹理合成、带光线追踪的八叉树、贝塞尔样条)(I.
- 具有扩散曲面的体积建模(K. Takayama, O. Sorkine, A. Nealen, T. Igarashi)
- 大都会程序建模(J. Talton, Y. Lou, S. Lesser, J. Duke, R. Mech, V. Koltun)
- Siteplan:使用程序性挤压的快速建筑原型制作(T. Kelly,P. Wonka)
- 网格-塔伦T(高斯-牛顿求解器,(未知)基于图的网格变形)(作者)
- 具有受控极值的平滑形状感知函数(A. Jacobson, T. Weinkauf, O. Sorkine)
- 芝麻:轻松素描、挤压、雕刻和操作(J. Y. Oh)
- 虚拟乐高
- 轻松切割网眼(季志、刘立、陈志、王国)
- 雕刻:简单的关卡集雕刻程序(多分辨率点拼接)(R.布里德森)
- efpisoft:基于拟合基元的分层网格分割(M.
- 网格分割基准数据库和查看器(X. Chen, A. Golovinskiy, T. Funkhouser)
- 石墨(变分形状近似,图像矢量化)[文档维基](作者)
- SegMatch:来自点云的形状分割和形状匹配(T. Dey,S. Goswami)
- 形状注释器分割工具(拟合基元、重心/高度/积分测地线莫尔斯、水管工、劳埃德聚类)(作者)
- 形状直径函数 (SDF) 分割工具 (L.
- 快速拉伸最小化参数化(包括形状保持/Tutte/谐波参数化和自然共形参数化)(S. 吉泽)
- 石墨(ABF,ABF++,DPBF,LSCM,HLSCM,重心,均值坐标,L2拉伸,光谱共形,周期全局参数化,约束纹理映射,纹理图谱生成)[文档维基] (作者)
- CGAL (LSCM, 离散共形/自闭, 浮症平均值, Tutte 重心) [完整包列表] (作者)
- 线性离散共形参数化(K.
- 离散指数地图演示(R.
- 网格参数化的局部/全局方法(ARAP,ASAP)(L. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Xu, G. Gotsman, S. Gortler)
- 通过基于相似性的权重求平均值进行网格平滑/去噪(S.
- 使用 CGAL 估计三角形网格上的曲率张量 (P.
- 石墨(网格曲率、均匀重新网格划分、网格修复、体积网格划分、流形谐波、外观保持简化、法线映射)[文档维基](作者))
- CGAL(网格简化,网格脊/脐带,网格曲率)[完整包列表](作者)
- MeshLab(离散曲率、蒙特卡洛/分层/泊松盘网格采样、网格之间的豪斯多夫距离、均匀重新网格划分、沃罗诺伊顶点聚类、拉普拉斯/陶宾平滑、网格非锐化掩模、测地线距离)[所有过滤器] (作者))
- 简化包络生成网格细节层次层次结构(J. Cohen, A. Varshney, G. Turk)
- 使用体积扩散填充网格中的孔(S. Marschner, K. Berglund)
- TrimeshInfo:计算网格属性(流形、属、方向、体积、自交、边界、连接的组件等)(作者)
- 网格曲面上的离散拉普拉斯算子(J. Sun, M. Belkin, Y. Wang)
- QualMesh:曲面和体积的Delaunay Mesh(T. Dey, T. Ray)
- DelIso:等值面的 delaunay 网格划分(T. Dey, J. Levine)
- SurfRemesh: Delaunay Remeshing of Polygonal Surface (T. Dey, T. Ray)
- DelPSC:表面、体积和复合物的 delaunay 网格生成(T. Dey, J. Levine)
- TriMesh2MT:将多边形网格转换为多三角测量(M. Attenne, E. Danovaro, P. Magillo)
- 可以通过扩散度量近似网格和点上的梯度(C. Luo, I. Safa, Y. Wang)
- 测地线:三角网格的多源/目标精确测地线算法(未知)
- IsoEx:特征敏感网格提取(L. Kobbelt, M. Botsch, Schwanecke, H.P. Seidel)
- 三角形网格上的离散连接和平滑向量场(K. Crane, M. Desbrun, P. Schroder)
- 景观地形简化(M.加兰)
- 泰拉地形简化(M.加兰)
- QSlim网格简化软件(M.
- 权限网格网格简化(S.
- 基于拓扑的 C2-连续性二维标量场平滑 [页面] (T. Weinkauf, Y. Gingold, O. Sorkine)
- HanTun:计算3D模型中的句柄和隧道循环(T. Dey, K. Li)
- 非迭代,特征保留网格平滑(另见[页面])(T. Jones)
- 具有拓扑保证的行进立方体案例的高效实现(T. Lewiner, H. Lopes, A. Viera, G. Tavares)
- 三角网格的直接球谐变换(M. Mousa, R. Chaine, S. Akkouche)
- 三角形模型中各向异性的归一化(M.
- 对称描述符和 3D 形状匹配 (M. Kazhdan)
- 任意八叉树上的无约束等值面提取(M.
- 通过有限元跟踪的快速平均曲率流动(M.
- 使用筛选泊松方程进行交互式和各向异性几何处理(M.
- 混合内在地图(V. Kim, Y. Lipman, T. Funkhouser)
- 离散曲面的自旋变换(K. Crane, U. Pinkall, P. Schröder)
- shapeDNA:使用具有狄利克雷或诺依曼边界条件(三次有限元、全局网格细化、切向平滑、层、SMF、OBJ、关闭、VTK、ASC3D、STL)的高阶有限元计算拉普拉斯贝尔特拉米算子的精确特征值和特征函数(M. 路透社)
- 流形网格处理(非流形修复、平滑、点云法线、曲率计算、局部形状描述符、三角汤中的 Polymender 流形网格、网格简化)(C. 格林)
- GMSH:具有内置预处理和后处理功能的三维有限元网格生成器(程序参数化几何、1/2/3D 单纯有限元网格划分、单元大小控制、标量/向量/张量数据集)(C.雷马克尔)
- 通过网格收缩提取骨架(O.戴,香港朱,D.科恩-奥尔,T.-Y.李)
- Polymender网格修复剂(水密性,封闭表面修复,尖锐特征,签名体积生成)(T.
- 自动量化解剖表面几何相似性的算法(D. Boyer, Y. Lipman, E. St Clair, J. Puente, B. Patel, T. Funkhouser, J. Jernvall, I. Daubechies)
- 一般多边形网格上的离散拉普拉斯(M. Alexa, M. Wardetzky)
- 网格固定(膨胀,交叉测试,确保最小距离,解决重叠,使用壳切割,清理,(M.
- 渐进网格实现(H. Hao)
- HKS: Computing Heat Kernel Signature (J. Sun, M. Ovsjanikov, L. Guibas)
- SDFGen:从三角形网格生成基于网格的有符号距离场(水平集)(C. Batty, R. Bridson)
- mesh_query:用网格可靠地检查内部/外部和分段交叉点(R. Bridson)
- QPoly: meshing scattered 3D points (Y. Ohtake)
- SLIM: sparse low-degree implicits (fitting, rendering, reflection lines, analytic curvature measures, crest lines, suggestive contours) (Y. Ohtake, A. Belyaev, M. Alexa)
- Multi-scale Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions (Y. Ohtake)
- MeshLab (ICP range-map alignment, ball pivoting, point-set normals, Robust Implicit MLS (RIMLS), Algebraic point-set surface (APSS), Poisson surface reconstruction) [All Filters] (Authors)
- Vrip (convert aligned range images to volumetric format, extract mesh surface) (B. Curless)
- Zipper (combine range images into polygonal mesh) (G. Turk, H. Ge, B. Curless)
- Scanalyze (manual/ICP alignment and merging of range image data, fill holes, decimation, editing, PLY/SD formats) (Authors)
- QSplat (real-time multiresolution point-set rendering) (S. Rusinkiewicz, G. King)
- Constructing Laplace Operator from Point Clouds in R^d (J. Sun, M. Belkin, Y. Wang)
- NormFet: Approximating Normals and Feature Sizes from Noisy Point Clouds (T. Dey, J. Sun, L. Molnar)
- AMLS for Smoothing Noisy Point Clouds (adaptive moving least squares) (T. Dey, J. Sun)
- Cocone: Delaunay meshing of point sets with boundaries (T. Dey, J. Giesen)
- Tight Cocone: water-tight Delaunay meshing of point sets using approximate medial axis (T. Dey, S. Goswami, W. Zhao)
- SuperCocone: efficient Delaunay meshing of large point sets (T. Dey, J. Hudson)
- RobustCocone: Delaunay meshing of noisy point sets (T. Dey, S. Goswami)
- Peel: isotropic reconstruction of surfaces from point sets with or without boundaries (T. Dey, K. Li)
- 4-points Congruent Sets for Robust Surface Registration (D. Aiger, N. Mitra, D. Cohen-Or)
- CGAL (Poisson reconstruction, spacing estimation, simplification, outlier removal, smoothing, normal estimation, orientation estimation)[full packages list] (Authors)
- integral estimation on a k-manifold embedded in R-d (C. Luo, J. Sun, Y. Wang)
- discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator on point clouds [Page] (C. Luo, I. Safa, Y. Wang)
- FReg: detect approximate symmetries of point sets and B-Rep Models (Authors)
- Normal Improvement for Point Rendering (bilateral normal filtering) [Page] (T. Jones)
- Reconstruction of Solid Models from Oriented Points Sets (M.l Kazhdan)
- Poisson Surface Reconstruction (M. Kazhdan)
- Multilevel Streaming for Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction (M. Bolitho, M. Kazhdan, R. Burns, H. Hoppe)
- CUDA-Based implementations of SoftAssign and EM-ICP (T. Tamaki, M. Abe, B. Raytchev, K. Kaneda, M. Slomp)
- Coherent Point Drift (rigid, affine, nonrigid N-D alignment and correspondence) (A. Myronenko)
- PowerCrust (watertight polygonal meshing of point set, medial axis transform, simplified medial axis) (N. Amenta) [updated port]
Curves and Surfaces
A Bidirectional Generating Algorithm for Rational Parametric Curves (Z. Li, L. Ma)
Fast Detection of the Geometric Form of Two-Dimensional Cubic Bézier Curves (S. Vincent)
Exact Evaluation of Subdivision Surfaces (eigenstructures for Catmull-Clark and Loop schemes) (J. Stam)
Exact Evaluation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces near B-Spline Boundaries (D. Lacewell, B. Burley)
Smooth Two-Dimensional Interpolations: A Recipe for All Polygons (E. Malsch, J. Lin, G. Dasgupta)
Normal Patches / PN-Triangles (R. Stimpson)
Marching Cubes (.vol files) (R. Stimpson)
Coons Patches (R. Stimpson)
Exact Catmull-Clark Subdivision evaluation (and mean-curvature minimization) (F. Hecht)
Laplacian Surface Editing (2D curve deformation) (O. Sorkine, D. Cohen-Or, Y. Lipman, M. Alexa, C. Roessl, H.-P. Seidel)
Elasticurves: Exploiting Stroke Dynamics and Inertia for the Real-time Neatening of Sketched 2D Curves (Y. Thiel, K. Singh, R. Balakrishnan)
Computational Geometry
- 2D voronoi diagrams with CGAL (P. Alliez)
- TRIANGLE: 2D high-quality exact/constrained/conforming Delaunay triangulations (J. Shewchuk)
- Stellar: a tetrahedral mesh improvement program (B. Klingner, J. Shewchuk)
- TetGen: A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and a 3D Delaunay Triangulator (constrained/conforming Delaunay, Voronoi, boundary-conforming, quality/size control, adaptive mesh refinement, intersection testing) (H. Si)
- manifold approximation of 3D medial axis (S. Yoshizawa)
- CGAL (n-D geometry, 2D/3D spherical geometry, n-D convex hull, 2D/3D/spherical booleans, 2D minkowski sums, 2D polygon partition/offset/skeleton, 2D curve intersection, 2D/3D envelopes, 2D/3D triangulation, 2D/3D alpha shapes, 2D delaunay/voronoi/apollonius/conforming delaunay/conforming gabriel, 3D delaunay isosurfacing, 3D skin surface, n-D spatial data structures, bounding volumes, optimal distances, least-squares geometry fitting, 2D/surface function interpolation, kinetic data structures, AABB Tree, 3D periodic triangulations, tetrahedral meshing w/ implicit/volume/polyhedral boundaries) [full packages list] (Authors)
- METRO: measure differences between triangular meshes (Authors)
- BOOLE convert CSG to Brep (curved solid primitives, polygonal solids) (T. Culver)
- MAPC: exact manipulation of algebraic points and curves in the plane (D. Manocha, J. Keyser, T. Culver, M. Foskey, S. Krishnan)
- Fast Polygon Triangulation based on Seidel’s Algorithm (A. Narkhede, D. Manocha)
- UNC GAMMA Collision Detection/Proximity Query Packages (penetration depth, intersection detection, tolerance verification, exact and approximate distance computation, separation distance, contact determination, Minkowski sums, Lin-Canny closest features, uniform grid spatial decomposition, OBB/Swept-Sphere/convex-hull bounding-volume hierarchies, polygon soups, rigid motion)
- DeformCD: collision detection for deformable models (M. Tang, D. Manocha)
- CurveSkel: 1D curve skeleton of 3D shape (T. Dey, J. Sun)
- Shortest paths on a polyhedral surface (B. Kaneva, J. O’Rourke)
- Antiprism polyhedra library (convex hull, polar reciprocals (dual meshes), geodesic spheres, uniform polyhedra, uniform tilings on surfaces, lattices and grids, ring/spiral of points on sphere, equilibrium of points repelling on sphere, near-uniform sphere tessellation, many other polyhedra types, OFF conversion utilities) [A. Rossiter]
- Nuages 3D delaunay mesh reconstruction from parallel cross-sections (B. Geiger)
- ShortLoop: computing loops in a shortest homology basis (O. Busaryev, T. Dey, J. Sun, Y. Wang)
- Coordinate Free Geometric Programming (S. Mann, N. Litke, T. DeRose)
- Calculation of Mappings between one and n-dimensional values using hilbert space-filling curve (J. K. Lawder)
- A Fast and Robust GJK Implementation for Collision Detection of Convex Objects (G. van den Bergen)
- Fast Distance Field and Generalized Voronoi Diagram Computation using Graphics Hardware (Authors)
- Efficient Collision Detection of Complex Deformable Models using AABB Trees (G. van den Bergen)
- M.E.S.H. : Measuring Error between Surfaces using the Hausdorff distance (N. Aspert, D. Santa-Cruz, T. Ebrahimi)
- HandleTunnel: computing handle and tunnel loops on surfaces (T. Dey, K. Li, J. Sun)
- tunicate: robust computational geometry predicates in floating point (R. Bridson)
Intersections and Distances
- Fast 3D Line Segment—Triangle Intersection Test (N. Chirkov)
- An Efficient Ray-Quadrilateral Intersection Test (A. Lagae, P Dutre)
- On Faster Sphere-Box Overlap Testing (T. Larsson, T. Akenine-Moller, E. Lengyel)
- Fast Tetrahedron-Tetrahedron Overlap Algorithm (F. Ganovelli, F. Ponchio, C. Rocchini)
- Ray Bilinear Patch Intersections (S. Ramsey, C. Hansen, K. Potter)
- GPU-Based Tiled Ray Casting using Depth Peeling (F. Bernadon, C. Pagot, J. Comba, C. Silva)
- An Efficient and Robust ray-box intersection algorithm (A. Williams, S. Barrus, R. Morley, P. Shirley)
- A Fast Triangle-Triangle Intersection Test (T. Moller)
- Fast and Robust Triangle-Triangle Overlap Test using Orientation Predicates (P. Guigue, O. Devillers)
- A Fast Triangle-Triangle Overlap Test Using Signed Distances (H. Shen, Z. Tang)
- Fast Ray-Axis Aligned Bounding Box Overlap Tests with Plücker Coordinates (J. Mahovsky, B. Wyvill)
- Fast Ray/Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Overlap Tests using Ray Slopes (M. Eisemann, M. Magnor, T. Grotsch, S. Muller)
- Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection (T. Moller, B. Trumbore)
- Lightweight Bounding Volumes for Ray Tracing (D. Cline, K. Steele, P. Egbert)
- Fast and Accurate Circle-Circle and Circle-Line 3D Distance Computation (D. Vranek)
- A Shaft Culling Tool (E. Haines)
- Fast 3D Triangle-Box Overlap Testing (T. Akenine-Moller)
- Intersection Test for Collision Detection in Particle Systems (E.-A. Karabassi, G. Papaioannou, T. Theoharis, A. Boehm)
- Techniques for Interactive Ray Tracing of Bézier Surfaces (C. Benthin, I. Wald, P. Slusallek)
Photorealistic Rendering
TAGL: software rasterizer (B. Levy)
ShadeVis: compute per-vertex ambient occlusion term (Authors)
MeshLab (vertex/face ambient occlusion) (Authors)
LumosQuad (2D lighting simulation and rendering, quadtree conjugate gradient Poisson solver) (T. Kim, M. Lin)
OpenEXR (read/write/view OpenEXR HDR images)
bv (BRDF browser, many analytic and empirical BRDF included) (S. Rusinkiewicz)
LightPack (light field authoring and rendering)
aperture (light-field viewer)
renderman shader to dump out grids (M. Pharr)
skin shader (M. Pharr)
raytracing quaternion julia sets on the GPU (K. Crane)
radiosity renderers (progressive and wavelet radiosity, face cluster radiosity) (A. Willmott, P. Heckbert)
Radiator radiosity system (matrix, progressive, wavelet, clustering) (A. Willmott)
SunSky sun/sky model code (A. Willmott)
brdfview BRDF viewer (P. Heckbert)
SkyWorks real-time cloud rendering (M. Harris)
SHLIGHT: spherical harmonic lighting program (T. Huang, I. Lisle)
glSoftShadow OpenGL soft shadows implementation (U. Borgenstam, J. Svensson)
Triangle Mesh Tangent Space Calculation (M. Mittring, Crytek)
MiniLight minimal global illumination renderer (monte-carlo path tracing, progressive refinement, Ward linear tone mapping, octree spatial index) (H. Ainsworth)
P3 ToneMapper (openEXR,RGBE in, PNG, PPM out, Ward tone mapping) (H. Ainsworth)
Perceptuum global illumination renderer (monte carlo ray tracing, motion blur, DOF, glossy scattering, generalized BRDFS, progressive refinement, photon mapping) (H. Ainsworth)
raytracing, path tracing, and distance-field rendering with CUDA (mxadd)
[Volumetric Lighting and Shadowing NV32 Shader](Volumetric Lighting and Shadowing NV30 shader) (S. Lefebvre, S. Guy)
Computing a View Frustum to Maximize an Object’s Image Area (K-L. Low, A. Ilie)
BTFShop: Interactive Editing and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Functions (J. Kautz, S. Boulos, F. Durand)
Efficient Splatting Using Modern Graphics Hardware (D. Xue, R. Crawfis)
Parameter Estimation for Photographic Tone Reproduction (E. Reinhard)
Textured Shadow Volumes (J. Hasselgren, T. Akenine-Moller)
Hardware-Accelerated Point Generation and Rendering of Point-Based Impostors (J. Baerentzen)
Reducing Noise in Image-Space Caustics with Variable-Sized Splatting (C. Wyman, C. Dachsbacher)
Robust Soft Shadow Mapping with Backprojection and Depth Peeling (L. Bavoil, S. Callahan, C. Silva)
Visibility Cuts shadows for Precomputed Radiance Transfer (also Ashikhmin-Shirley shader) (F. Hecht)
Frequency Analysis and Sheared Reconstruction for Rendering Motion Blur (K. Egan, Y.-T. Tseng, N. Holzschuch, F. Durand, R. Ramamoorthi)
PCA-Based Relighting Framework (S. Enrique, R. Ramamoorthi)
Layered 3D: Tomographic Image Synthesis for Attenuation-based Light Field and High Dynamic Range Displays (G. Wetzstein, D. Lanman, W. Heidrich, R. Raskar)
Spark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware (T. Foley, P. Hanrahan)
BRDF Displacement Interpolation Using Lagrangian Mass Transport (function/distribution interpolation, non-euclidean manifolds, BRDF/color/value/envmap/stippling, non-negative least squares) (N. Bonneel, M. van de Panne, S. Paris, W. Heidrich)
NonPhotorealistic Rendering
- rtsc: suggestive contours/highlights, principal hilights, apparent ridges, etc (D. DeCarlo, A. Finkelstein, S. Rusinkiewicz, A. Santella, M. Burns, J. Klawe)
- fast and robust detection of crest lines on meshes (mesh denoising, mesh curvature) (S. Yoshizawa)
- xshade: exaggerated shading rendering (S. Rusinkiewicz, M. Burns, D. DeCarlo)
- jot: NPR library
- Weighted Voronoi Stippling (A. Secord)
- dpix: interactive rendering of 3D models using stylized lines (sketchup, self-similar line artmaps, coherent self-similar line styalization, high-quality line visibility, stylized focus)
- Visualizing LIDAR in Google Earth (M. Isenburg, J. Shewchuck)
- farthest-point seeding for placement of streamlines in 2D vector fields with CGAL (A. Mebarki)
- VolPack (fast volume rendering with shear/warp factorization) (P. Lacroute)
Simulation / Animation
- Inverse Kinematics for Serial Manipulators (D. Manocha, Y. Zhu)
- El Topo (robust surface tracking with triangle meshes) (T. Brochu, R. Bridson)
- CMU .ASF/.AMC/.V tools (J. McCann, C. Twigg, J. Barbic, …?)
- Skinning Mesh Animations Demo (C. Twigg)
- DANCE (physics-based character animation and simulation) (A. Shapiro, V. Ng-Thow-Hing, P. Faloutsos)
- Physically Based Simulation and Animation of Gaseous Phenomena in a Periodic Domain [Page] (A. Nealen)
- 2D Boiling Demo (CML coupled map atlas on GPU) (M. Harris, G. Coombe, T. Sheuermann, A. Lastra)
- Flo real-time 2D fluid simulation demo (Cg navier-stokes incompressible flow fixed no-slip boundaries) (G. James, M. Harris)
- Disease reaction diffuse demo (Cg, on surface) (G. James, M. Harris)
- GPU Ocean Surface Simulation [Page] (S. Lefebvre)
- Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map (F. Grassia)
- [A Simple Fluid Solver Based on the FFT](A Simple Fluid Solver Based on the FFT) (J. Stam)
- Computing the Moment of Inertia of a Solid Defined by a Triangle Mesh (M. Kallay)
- 2D Polygon Moment of Intertia (C. Batty)
- Fast and Accurate Computation of Polyhedral Mass Properties (B. Mirtich)
- Fast and Easy Reach-Cone Joint Limits (J. Wilhelms, A. Van Gelder)
- Asynchronous Contact Mechanics (D. Harmon, E. Vouga, B. Smith, R. Tamstorf, E. Grinspun)
- Generalized Biped Walking Control (S. Coros, P. Beaudoin, M. van de Panne)
- Locomotion Skills for Simulated Quadrupeds (S. Coros, A. Karpathy, B. Jones, L. Reveret, M. van de Panne)
- StVK: FEM Saint Venant-Kirchhoff deformable object library (J. Barbic)
- Mass Spring System: A general 3D mass-spring system (J. Barbic)
- Implicit Newmark and Central Differences Integrators for large deformation nonlinear FEM elasticity (J. Barbic)
- Large Modal Deformation Factory: Model reduction of StVK FEM deformable models (linear modes, arbitrary free boundary conditions, modal derivatives, mass and stiffness matrices, triangle mesh to cube volume mesh conversion) (J. Barbic)
- harmonic oscillator: exact timestepping of 1D ODE (J. Barbic)
- LQR: linear-quadratic regulator controller (solves Riccati differential equation) (J. Barbic)
- Dynamics of a single rigid body (explicit Euler, symplectic Euler, time-varying external forces and torques, arbitrary inertia tensors) (J. Barbic)
- A Level-set Method for Skinning Animated Particle Data (thin-plate energy, grid mean curvature/laplacian/biharmonic, kdtree, marching tetrahedra) (H. Bhattacharya, Y. Gao, A. Bargteil)
- Sensitive Couture for Interactive Garment Editing and Modeling [2] (N. Umetani, D. Kaufman, T. Igarashi, E. Grinspun)
- DelFEM (FEM, Poisson, Diffusion, Advection-Diffusion, Linear Solid, St.Venant-Kirchhoff Material, incompressive hyperelastic material, Stokes Fluid, Navier-Stokes Fluid, Helmholtz, 3D rigid body, 6 types of constraint model, coupling analysis of rigid and elastic material, ILU (0) preconditioned CG, ILU (0) preconditioned BiCGSTAB) (N. Umetani)
- DT-Grid: data structure for high-resolution level sets (volume-conserving mean curvature flow, shape metamorphosis, advection, one-sided, second-order central, WENO finite difference) (M. Nielsen, K. Museth)
- Exact CCD: Geometrically exact continuous collision detection for triangle meshes. (T. Brochu, E. Edwards, R. Bridson)
- Fluid3D: barebones 3D inviscid free-surface fluid simulator in irregular domains (C. Batty)
- VariationalViscosity2D: 2D viscous free surface simulation (C. Batty)
- free-surface 2D liquid solver with irregular static obstacles (C. Batty, F. Bertails, R. Bridson)
- Quadratic extrapolation of data in the normal direction (eg to extrapolate velocities from fluid to solid region) (C. Batty)
- FlexiStickers: Photogrammetric Texture Mapping using Casual Images (Y. Tzur, A. Tal)
- Texture filtering (bilinear, mipmap, elliptic-weighted average) [link to .h/.cpp at bottom of page] (M. Pharr)
- 3D Cellular Noise function (M. Pharr)
- Jump Map Texture Synthesis (S. Zelinka)
- Hybrid Texture Synthesis [Page] (A. Nealen, M. Alexa)
- Octree Textures on the GPU (S. Lefebvre)
- Parallel Controllable Texture Synthesis Tutorial (S. Lefebvre)
- Image Quilting (T. Jones)
- Floating Textures (M. Eisemann)
- Advanced Reaction-Diffusion Models for Texture Synthesis (A. Sanderson, R. Kirby, C. Johnson, L. Yang)
- HWB - A More Intuitive Hue-Based Color Model (A. R. Smith, E. R. Lyons)
- Efficient GPU-Based Texture Interpolation using Uniform B-Splines (D. Ruijters, B. ter Haar Romney, P. Suetens)
- Texture Stitching by Estimating the Laplace-Beltrami Operator by Restricting 3D Functions (M. Kazhdan)
- Filtering Solid Gabor Noise (A. Lagae, G. Drettakis)
- Repetition Maximization based Texture Rectification (D. Aiger, D. Cohen-Or, N. Mitra)
- real-time gradient-domain image painting (multigrid GPU poisson solver) (J. McCann, N. Pollard)
- mean-value coordinate image cloning (Z. Farbman, G. Hoffer, Y. Lipman, D. Cohen-Or, D. Lischinski)
- GraphDraw: draw 2D graphs and export as postscript (K. Crane)
- Interactive Segmentation Tool-Box (lazy snapping, GrabCut interactive graph cut)
- 3D Photo Pop-Up (D. Hoeim)
- Anti-Grain Geometry Project (high-quality and efficient 2D software rasterizer: subpixel antialiasing, arbitrary polygons, gradients and gouraud shading, image filtering, bilinear, bicubic, spline16, spline32, sinc, blackman, strokes with joins and caps, dashed lines, head/tail markers, arrows, polygon clipping, alpha-masking, arbitrary images as line patterns, perspective and bilinear transformations, boolean polygon operations) (M. Shemanarev)
- High Quality Hardware Line Antialiasing (R. Nelson)
- Color Compatibility from Large Datasets (P. O’Donovan, A. Agarwala, A. Hertzmann)
- 2.5D Cartoon Models (A. Rivers, T. Igarashi, F. Durand)
- GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering (P. Bhat, L. Zitnick)
Image and Video Processing
- Adaptive Thresholding Using the Integral Image [Also](D. Bradley, G. Roth)
- A One-Pass Version of Two-Pass Image Resampling (N. Max)
- PDE-Based Image Filtering (Nonlinear diffusion, Total-Variation denoising, Shock Filters) (G. Gilboa)
- ImageStack: a command line calculator for images (HDR image generation, bilateral/median/circular filter, dimensionality reduction, FFT, Poission, wavelet transforms, inpainting, and many more) (A. Adams)
- Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Using the Permutohedral Lattice (A. Adams, J. Baek, A. Davis)
- Local Laplacian Filters: Edge-aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid (S. Paris, S. Hasinoff, J. Kautz)
- Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image and Video Processing (E. S. L. Gastal, M. M. Oliveira)
- Real-time Edge Aware Image Processing with the Bilateral Grid (J. Chen, S. Paris, F. Durand)
- Bilateral Filter (J. Chen)
- Local Histogram Equalization using Bilateral Grid (J. Chen)
- Streaming Multigrid for Gradient-Domain Operations on Large Images (M. Kazhdan)
- Distributed Gradient-Domain Processing of Planar and Spherical Images (M. Kazhdan)
- Metric Aware Processing of Spherical Imagery (M. Kazhdan)
- An Image Inpainting Technique Based on the Fast Marching Method (A. Telea)
- MIRT: Medical Image Registration Toolbox (similarity, mutual information MI, residual complexity RC, sum square differences SSD, sum absolute differences SAD, correlation coefficient CC, CD2, MS, transformation models, parametric free form deformation FFD, non-parametric variational, implicit euler, curvature-based regularization, multiresolution) (A. Myronenko)
- FreeSurfer: reconstruction of the brain’s cortical surface from structural MRI data and overlay of functional MRI data (wiki) (contributors)
- DotCount: count the number of dots in an image (M. Reuter)
- FDim: compute fractal dimension of grayscale image (Capacity Dimension, Information Dimension, Correlation Dimension, Probability Dimension) (M. Reuter)
- Robust Registration and Template Estimation of 3D MRI Images (unbiased inverse consistent registration, modality rigid registration, outlier detection robust statistics, symmetry, global intensity scaling, automatic sensitivity parameter estyimation, unbiased half-way space) (M. Reuter)
- PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing (C. Barnes, E. Schectman, A. Finkelstein, B. Goldman)
- The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm (C. Barnes, E. Schectman, A. Finkelstein, B. Goldman)
- Emerging Images Demo (N. Mitra, H.-K. Chu, T.-Y. Lee, L. Wolf, H. Yeshurun, D. Cohen-Or)
- GPU_KLT: A GPU-based Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker (S. Sinha)
- Gain-Adaptive KLT Tracking and TV-L1 optical flow on the GPU (C. Zach)
- SSBA: Simple Sparse Bundle Adjustment (C. Zach)
- Bundler: Structure from Motion (SfM) for Unordered Image Collections (N. Snavely)
- sba : A Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment C/C++ Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (M. Lourakis)
- homest: A C/C++ Library for Robust, Non-linear Homography Estimation (M. Lourakis)
- CMVS: Clustering Views for Multi-view Stereo (Y. Furukawa)
- PMVS: Patch-based Multi-view Stereo Software (Y. Furukawa, J. Ponce)
- VisualSFM: A Visual Structure from Motion System (C. Wu)
- SiftGPU: A GPU Implementation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) (C. Wu)
- Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection (M-M. Cheng, G-X. Zhang, N. Mitra, X. Huang, S-M. Hu)
- Robust Image Retargeting via Axis-Aligned Deformation (D. Panozzo, O. Weber, O. Sorkine)
- imageblending (Poisson Image Editing) (Authors)
- Image-Based Localization using Structure-from-Motion Models (T. Sattler, B. Leibe, L. Kobbelt)
- Efficient Generation of Poisson-Disk Sampling Patterns (T. Jones)
- Antimony (poisson-disk sample generation) (D. Dunbar, G. Humphreys)
- 2D Poisson disk sampling with dart throwing (M. Pharr)
- Random or Uniform points on a sphere [Page] (J. O’Rourke)
- Sampling with Hammersley and Halton Points (T.-T. Wong, P.-A. Heng, W.-S. Luk)
- A Low Distortion Map Between Disk and Square (P. Shirley, K. Chiu)
- 2D Fast Object Distribution (Halton sequence computation) [Page] (A. Willmott)
- Generalized Stratified Sampling Using the Hilbert Curve (M. Steigleder, M. McCool)
- A Stratified Sampling Technique for an Ellipse (C.-M. Wang, N.-C. Hwang)
- 2D Hilbert Curve Generator (also precomputed C++ arrays for orders 1-10) (J. Chen)
- Accurate Multi-dimensional Poisson-disc Sampling (M. Gamito, S. Maddock)
- interpolate3d: A Natural Neighbour Interpolation program for 3D data (R. Hemsley)
- Blue Noise through Optimal Transport (lloyd iteration, voronoi tessellation, arbitrary density functions) (F. de Goes, K. Breeden, V. Ostromoukhov, M. Desbrun)
- Capacity-Constrained Delaunay Triangulation for Point Distributions (Y. Xu, L. Liu, C. Gotsman, S. Gortler)
Data Structures and Compression
- Efficient Normal Compression in CryENGINE 3 [PPTX] [PDF] (texture and code in slides) [Page] (A. Kaplanyan)
- Triangle Strip Compression (M. Isenburg)
- Out-of-Core Compression for Gigantic Polygon Meshes (M. Isenburg, S. Gumhold)
- Streaming Compression of Triangle Meshes (M. Isenburg, P. Lindstrom, J. Snoeyink)
- Streaming Compression of Tetrahedral Volume Meshes (M. Isenburg, P. Lindstrom, S. Gumhold, J. Shewchuck)
- Streaming Compression of Delaunay Triangulations (M. Isenburg, Y. Liu, J. Shewchuck, J. Snoeyink)
- LAStools: converting, viewing, and compressing LIDAR data in LAS format (M. Isenburg, J. Shewchuck)
- Streaming Meshes (M. Isenburg, P. Lindstrom)
- OpenRACM: Random-Accessible Compressed Meshes (S.E. Yoon, P. Lindstrom)
- An Improved Adjacency Data Structure for Fast Triangle Stripping (P. Reuter, J. Behr, M. Alexa)
- Simple and Efficient Traversal Methods for Quadtrees and Octrees (S. Frisken, R. Perry)
- Octree implementation (H. Ainsworth)
- Fast Generation of Pointerless Octree Duals (T. Lewiner, V. Mello, A. Peixoto, S. Pesco, H. Lopes)
Numerics and Optimization
- CNC: CUDA sparse symmetric matrix solver (L. Buatois, G. Caumon, B. Levy)
- OpenNL: Open Numerical Library (direct/iterative sparse solvers, preconditioners, Least-Squares Conformal Maps (LSCM) implementation) (Authors)
- CGAL (LP linear programming, QP quadratic programming) (Authors)
- TAUCS [Package Mirror] (sparse preconditioned conjugate-gradient/minres, sparse Cholesky (sym-pos-semi-def), sparse LU, sparse LDLT) (S. Toledo, D. Chen, V. Rotkin)
- UMFPACK (unsymmetric sparse LU) (T. Davis)
- newmat (C++ dense matrix library [documentation]) (R. Davies)
- GPUFFTW (GPU power-of-two FFT library) (N. Govindaraju, D. Manocha)
- LUGPU (GPU dense-matrix LU decomposition) (N. Galoppo, N. Govindaraju, M. Henson, D. Manocha)
- CoMISo: Constrained Mixed Integer Solver (H. Zimmer, D. Bommes, L. Kobbelt)
- chag:pp CUDA parallel primitives library (reduction, prefix operations (scan), compaction, radix sort)
- Blossoming software for analyzing polynomial functions (S. Mann, W. Liu)
- Automatic Differentiation, C++ Templates, and Photogrammetry (D. Piponi)
- CMA-ES: Covariance Matrix Adaptation - Evolutionary Strategy (non-linear non-convex optimization in complex domains) (N. Hansen)
- ExpoKit: matrix exponential for small dense and large sparse matrices (R. B. Sidje)
- Modal Matrix: A class for modal matrix operations (assembly u=Uq, projection q = U^T u) (J. Barbic)
- Quaternions , MiniVector, Dense Matrix, Sparse Matrix (Conjugate Gradient, Jacobi Preconditioner, Gauss-Seidel ) (J. Barbic)
- Polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix and derivatives of polar decomposition matrices (J. Barbic)
- levmar : Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithms in C/C++ (M. Lourakis)
- sparseLM : Sparse Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares in C/C++ (M. Lourakis)
- HLBFGS (Preconditioned L-BFGS, Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient, Gradient Descent, Newton) (Y. Liu)
- Conjugate Gradient with Modified Incomplete Cholesky (level zero) preconditioning (R. Bridson)
- KKTDirect: a direct solver package for saddle-point ( KKT ) matrices (R. Bridson)
- MPCG: Multi-Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients (R. Bridson, C. Greif)
- Quern: A Sparse QR Library (R. Bridson)
Data Sets
Digital 210 King (building scans, Revit models, photographs, Green Building XML (gbXML) models, of 210 King St East (Autodesk Toronto building))
Unwrapped (planar-parameterized) ABF++/LinABF Meshes (.OBJ format, includes normal maps and decimated meshes)
AIM@SHAPE 3D model repository
DemoGraphite (bunny, horse, tiger-face, octaflower, rocker arm, engine volume, skull volume)
Georgia Tech Large Geometric Models Archive (Bunny,Turbine Blade,skeleton hand,dragon,buddha,horse,visible man,grand canyon,puget sound,angel)
Stanford 3D Scanning Repository (bunny, drill bit, buddha, dragon, armadillo, lucy, asian dragon, manuscript, thai statue)
Stanford Volume Data Archive (CThead, MRBrain, CTbunny)
Stanford Light Field Archive
UNC Dynamic Mesh Datasets (per-frame meshes, exploding dragon and bunny, cloth simulation, N-body simulation, falling letters)
Image-Based 3D Models (VRML/TRI formats, multiple resolutions, textured [mesh viewer]) (C. Esteban, F. Schmitt)
Multi-frame 3D scans from video depthmaps (triangulated point clouds, OBJ format,100-2200 frames) (T. Weise, B. Leibe, L. Van Gool)
ETH Face Pose Range Image Data Set (10,000 640x480 range image point sets of 20 moving faces, read/write code) (M. Breitenstein, D. Kuettel, T. Weise, L. van Gool, H. Pfister)
Quadrangulations (fandisk,beetle,fertility,rockerarm) (H. Zimmer, D. Bommes, L. Kobbelt)
Geometry Videos (H. Bricenno)
PSU Near-Regular Texture Database (S. Lee, Y. Liu)
CMU Motion Capture Database
Skinning Mesh Animations data (horse, camel, elephant, chicken, snake ) (D. James, C. Twigg)
Deformation Transfer for Triangle Meshes (horse, camel, cat, lion, faces, flamingo, elephant) (R. Sumner, J. Popovic)
Mesh Ensemble Motion Graphs (D. James, C. Twigg, A. Cove, R. Wang)
Cornell Light Measurement Data (light source spectra, filter and lens transmission spectra, camera response spectra, reflectance data)
The Cornell Box
RenderPark (HDR, galerkin radiosity, stochastic jacobi radiosity, hierarchical, clustering, view-importance, higher-order approximations, random walk radiosity, photon mapping, stochastic ray tracing, bi-directional path tracing) (P. Bekaert,F. de Laet, P. Peers, V. Masselus, J. Prikryl, P. Dutre, O. Ceulemans)
RaVi (real-time raytracer) (M. Granz)
WinOSi (iterative two pass optical simulation raytracing) (M. Granz)
Scopia.es 3D models (home furnishing objects, buildings, plants, characters, .3ds, .blend, .sh3d, .obj) (C. Folch, Scopia.es)
Crytek Sponza Model v2 (increased complexity, 3ds, OBJ formats, textures) (F. Meinl, Crytek)
TrueMarble earth image dataset (multiple resolutions from 32km to 250m, PNG and geo-referenced GeoTIFF formats) (Unearthed Outdoors LLC)
Volume-Meshed Models (Heart, Eiffel Tower, Basket, Bridge, Dragon, Horse, Dinosaur, 3D Spring, Beam) (J. Barbic)
Volume-Meshed Models (Cube, TFire, Tire, Dragon, Cow, Sculpt, LetterP, House, StayPuft) (B. Klinger, J. Shewchuck)
McGuire Graphics Data (San Miguel, Crytek Sponza, Dabrovic Sponza, Sibenik Cathedral, Conference Room, Chinese Dragon, Teapot, Cube, Happy Buddha, Hairball, Cornell Box, Rungholt, Lost Empire, Infinite Realities Head, textured OBJs)
Caltech Mesh Compendium (Ball Joint,Dinosaur Sculpture,Golf Club,Igea Artifact,Isis,Knee,Rocker Arm,Santa,Screwdriver,Teeth Casting,Horse,Skeleton Hand,Turbine Blade,Cactus,Cat,Cessna,Club,Cow,Distributor Cap,Engine,Fandisk,Gargoyle,Hypersheet,Knot,Mechanical Part,Oil Pump,Teapot,Tyrannosaurus Rex,Dragon,Feline Model,Femme,Happy Buddha,Headus Skull,Max Planck,Molecule,Rabbit Sculpture,Stanford Bunny,Zander,Zoë,Duck,Mummy,Bust of Nefertiti,Top,Totem,Vase #1,Vase #2,Chair,Dental Cast,Foot,Hand,female Mannequin Head,Pregnant Woman,kissing-children Sculpture,Shoe,Toilet,Cube,Hexagon,Icosahedron,Octahedron,Pentagon,Quadrilateral,Right Tetrahedron,Right Triangle,Armadillo Man,Dragon,Happy Buddha,Stanford Bunny,Cat Head,Face,Mannequin Head,Spocks Head,Stamped Part, Stegosaurus, Torus, Triceratops, Venus Torso)
Aachen photo dataset (photos, SIFT descriptors, 3D reconstruction) (T. Sattler)
MIT CSAIL Textured Models Database ()
- Stanford Calibration Grid Detector (V. Vaish)
- Color CRT Calibration for perception research (E. Olds, W. Cowan, P. Jolicoeur)
- ASIFT: A New Framework for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison (J.-M. Morel, G. Yu)
- SIFT++ (A. Vedaldi)
- SIFT for Matlab (A. Vedaldi)
- VLFeat (SIFT, MSER, k-means, hiearchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck (aib), quick shift) (A. Vedaldi, B. Fulkerson)
- LFDisplay: a real-time system for light field microscopy
- FCam: FrankenCamera camera control library(Contributors)
- Utilities for Structured Light Scanning (Contributors)
- face-off: Automatic Facial Feature Detection & Replacement (Authors)
- Google Pose Optimizer: reconstruct pose of sensor based on sensor data (GPS position, doppler velocity, accelerometers, rate gyroscopes, wheel encoders, constraint models) (Authors)
Machine Learning
- Infer.Net - Bayesian Inference in Graphical Models (T. Minka, J. Winn, J. Guiver, A. Kannan)
- ANN - C++ approximate neareset-neighbours in dimensions ~(8,20) (D. Mount, S. Arya)
- FLANN - Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbours (M. Muja, D. Lowe)
- Basic Support Vector Machine (SVM) demo (linear and RBF kernel) (A. Vedaldi)
Bits and Pieces
- HXA graphics library (halton sequence, sobol sequence, color space conversions, radiance RGBE IO, random number generators, 2D radial filters) (H. Ainsworth)
| Other Stuff |
| “…” |
- Array Manipulation Tips and Tricks
- Iain Murray’s Tips and Tricks and utilities
- Marios Athineos Tips and Tricks
- Tom Minka’s Lightspeed Toolbox
- Iain Murray’s Latex Notes (squeezing)
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